with Vernice Miller

Sundays 11am - 3pm @ Dance Theatre Etcetera
480 Van Brunt Street, Suite 203 Red Hook Brooklyn, NY 11231
(see map below)
Photography © SeBiArt
$350 for 8 Weeks ($325 if paid in advance of first session. Payment plans available)
In performance, the performer’s presence both physical and mental is distinct from that of daily life. The flow of energy which characterizes our daily behavior is excited and altered. Tapping into traditional and experimental theater techniques ALAT’s approach to naturalistic text begins with awakening the performer’s presence. The work is a fusion of Meisner, Stanislavski, Grotowski and Odin inspired actor trainings. The lab will offer scene study and monologue work and the structure of each session will incorporate an hour of physical and vocal warm-ups. Participants should be prepared to move by wearing comfortable clothing.
Vernice Miller is an international theatre artist who has spent the last two decades exploring the common threads between east and west actor training and its application to contemporary theater practices in America. She is an educator, writer, director and award winning actor who among others has studied with Ryszard Cieslack, Jacques Chwat, and Jerzy Grotowski of the Polish Laboratory Theater. Ms. Miller has been most influenced by her work with Roberta Carreri of the Odin Teatret in Denmark, and with Maggie Flannigan for Meisner technique in New York City. She currently teaches at Rutgers University and also for Epic Theatre Ensemble at Bard High School Early College. In 1995 Ms. Miller founded ALAT with Joann Maria Yarrow as an opportunity to explore their ideas on actor training.
contact Soraya Broukhim (917) 622-6798
In lieu of auditions participants will be eligible for ALATetc benefits such as: (a) $50 discount for the Voice Intensive Workshop with French artist Jean-René Toussaint, founder and director of Stemwerk International Center for the Voice in Rotterdam (the Netherlands) March 28th and 29th (b) inclusion in the January 2010 Master Workshop with Roberta Carreri of the Odin Teatret, Denmark (c) consideration to be cast in the upcoming ALAT production Red Tent Fabrik:The Children of Abraham (d) and to be considered for ALAT membership.
Laboratory is a magic word: it doesn’t mean anything precise, and one doesn’t know what lies behind it…It is a meeting place where [artists] from different countries experiment and take their first steps into the no man’s land of their professions. -Jerzy Grotowski
Directions from Grand Central:
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